Rules and Regulations

As a student of Dnipro Medical Institute, you shall accept the responsibility and privilege of studying medicine. You shall commit yourself to serve the community, society and the profession, to achieve and uphold the highest professional standards of ethics throughout the academic studies and the clinical internships.

The administrative management and the faculty at Dnipro Medical Institute advise all students in the Program of Medicine to abide the following rules of conduct.

Medical students:

Shall recognize and acknowledge their responsibility to patients;

Shall regard confidentiality as an obligation of patient care and treat patients and their families with respect;

Shall not tolerate discrimination in patient care on the basis of race, color, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or on the basis of socioeconomic status;

Shall be able to team work;

Shall not allow competitiveness with colleagues to adversely affect patient care;

Medical students` demeanor, behavior, use of language, and personal appearance in the presence of patients, in the classroom, and in health care settings shall be professional;

Shall understand and appreciate the sacrifice of individuals who provided their bodies for the benefit of your learning and therefore will treat cadavers with the greatest respect;

Shall not receive help in examinations or assignments unless permitted by the instructor!

Shall treat their teachers and instructors with respect and dignity;

Shall acknowledge the importance of participating in activities that contribute to improving the health of society;

Student Obligations

 Art. 194. (1) Each student at DMI shall:
1.   attend regularly, be well prepared and participate actively in the compulsory forms of classes according to the study plan and the study programmes;
2.    get prepared and sit for the scheduled semester and state exams and perform all other obligations according to the study plan and programmes;
3.    get acquainted with the current regulations and the internal rules for the arrangement of student status and observe the common rules of conduct and the internal order of the Institute;
4.    be respectful to the lecturers, the administrative management, the employees of the administrative and support staff and the other students;
5.    protect the name and reputation of the Institute and protect its property;
6.    observe the rules of good manners, academic ethics and public order within the Institute;
7.    not violate the academic spirit and traditions with their behavior and appearance;
8.    respect the rights of intellectual property and be responsible for plagiarism;
9.    enroll for the study semesters in due time;
10.   pay due tuition fees determined by DMI according to the deadlines;
11.   not hold political and religious activities within DMI;
12.   perform other obligations established by the Law and regulated by the Rules of Procedure of DMI, these Regulations and other internal regulations of the Institute or arising from the resolutions of the managing bodies of the Institute.

Student Council

Art.198. (1) Тhe Student Council shall be the authority that shall protect the common interests of students at Dnipro Medical Institute. It shall consist of representatives of students and doctoral students in the General Assembly of the Institute. The mandate of the students and doctoral students in the General Assembly and in the Student Council of the Institute shall be two years, including the right to be elected for one more term. The Student Council shall elect a President among its members who shall organize and manage its activities and shall represent it before the managing bodies of DMI, the basic and auxiliary units in it.

Art.199. The Student Council shall be entitled to:
1.    organize the election of its representatives in the managing bodies of the Institute and the Board of Trustees;
2.    make proposals for the introduction of additional academic disciplines;
3.    make proposals for the invitation of external lecturers;
4.    organize the foundation of specialized research student associations and the publication of their works;
5.    if necessary, create and manage its organizational units;
6.    establish national and international educational, cultural and postgraduate contacts among students;
7.    express attitudes and make proposals for the development of sports activities at the Institute;
8.    participate in the management of student halls of residence;
9.    participate in the organization of educational process, allocation of scholarships, awards and benefits for students;
10.    have its representatives in monitoring the internal system for assessing and maintaining the quality of education and the academic staff at the Institute and in the development of the questions for a survey of student opinion.

Organisation of the Teaching Process

Art. 42. (1) DMI shall provide each student with an opportunity for a choice of academic disciplines (optional and facultative) within the framework of the approved study plans. The student shall state their choice by submitting a written request to the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College (branch), not later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester.

(2) (Аmended and suppl. – 18.04.2016) Each student is required to complete two elective subjects throughout the entire course of semester training. Students studying in English Language Programmes are required to complete at least one elective subject throughout the entire course of semester training besides the subjects in Ukranian language and terminology and communication in medical practice. Besides this mandatory choice, students can choose and complete additional elective or facultative disciplines, approved in the specialty study plan.

(3) (Repealed – 18.04.2016)

(4) (New – 18.04.2016) The completed elective or facultative disciplines shall be entered in the Diploma Supplement and shall be included in the GPA.

Art. 23. (1) Foreign students for whom Ukranian language is not a native language shall pass obligatory training in Ukranian language as a compulsory discipline, in parallel with their education. This requirement shall be applied also to foreign students transferred to DMI from abroad.
Art. 44. (1) DMI shall apply the system for formation, accumulation, recognition and transfer of credits as an integral part of the organization of the educational process. The terms and conditions for application of the system are determined by the Ordinance of the Minister of Education, Youth and Science and approved by the Academic Council of DMI, procedure regulations – “Guide to application of the systems for formation, accumulation, recognition and transfer of credits at Dnipro Medical Institute”  in relation to the specifics of the different specialties.

      (2) Credits are a numerical representation of student occupation required to master specific skills and knowledge in the process of education for acquiring an educational-qualification degree of higher education.

      (4) Credits shall be allocated to academic years, semesters and disciplines. They shall be allocated for the entire student auditorium and non- auditorium  occupation, provided in the study plan, in obligatory, optional and facultative disciplines, depending on the specifics of the respective specialty (lectures, practical and seminar exercises, self-study, individual work with the lecturer, projects, participation in a practice, an internship, developing a course or diploma thesis, etc.). Each academic discipline receives credit equivalent, depending on the specialty study plan and the provided in it full (auditorium and non- auditorium) student occupation.

      (5) (Аmended and suppl. – 11.05.2015) Credits shall be adjudicated to students who have received a positive grade, not lower than Satisfactory (3.00) for the acquired knowledge and skills, required in the study plan, through an examination or another form of assessment. For subjects taught for a period exceeding one semester, students shall be given credits, corresponding to the completed workload for the certified period.

      (6) The system for formation, accumulation, recognition and transfer of credits is based on the requirement for 60 credits per academic year or 30 credits per semester, divided among the academic disciplines and / or modules, according to the specialty study plan and the educational-qualification degree or to another compatible with this system number of credits. One credit shall be adjudicated for 25 to 30 full hours (auditorium and non-auditorium) student occupation, whereas the share of auditorium occupation cannot be more than half of it.
      (7) Credits for any of the obligatory, optional and facultative disciplines and credits for the non- auditorium student occupation shall be entered in the specialty study plan in educational-qualification degrees.

Administrative Service to Students

Art. 60. (1) Administrative service to students shall be provided by the organizers of educational affairs in the Dean’s Offices/ student affairs office of the College (branch) and the employees at the Student Affairs Office – under the management of the Deans / the Director of the College (branch), their deputies, the head of the Student Affairs Office – through the Administrative Department, “Records” Sector.
Art. 62. (1) Upon enrollment at the Institute a student’s book shall be issued to the student by the Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College (branch). The student’s book shall be preserved by the student.

(2) (Amended and suppl. – 11.05.2015) Upon request DMI shall issue an academic transcript, assurance and certificate to students. For the issuance of an academic transcript and certificate, students shall apply to the “Records” Sector / Student Administrative Services System and pay an administrative fee, determined by the Academic Council

(3) The documents under para 1 and 2 shall be issued in Ukranian. Upon request by the student, the assurance may be accompanied by an English translation.

Art. 66. (1) Students shall pay a tuition fee for their education. The tuition fee shall be annual and it shall be defined before the beginning of each academic year according to the regulatory framework –under a statutory act of the Council of Ministers and upon a resolution of the Academic Council.
      (2) The payment of the tuition fee shall be carried out by a bank transfer to the account of DMI. The transfer fee shall be paid by the depositor.
Art. 67. (1) The legally defined annual tuition fee shall be paid in equal payments, not later than two weeks after the beginning of each semester. Students can pay the entire annual fee in a single payment at the beginning of the academic year.

Evaluation of Student Knowledge and Skills. Current Control

Art. 72. (1) The control of the students’ preparation and the evaluation of their academic achievements shall be conducted in accordance with the specifics of the different specialties and disciplines – based on the system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students.
      (2) The system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students includes:
1.    Evaluation of the specific academic disciplines – through current control (planned and unplanned) and semester examinations;

2.    Evaluation of overall preparation in the respective specialty of higher education – through state examination and / or thesis defense.

Art.73. (1) Current control shall be a mandatory component of student academic work and shall be targeted at testing the knowledge and practical skills in the framework of the semester (academic module).
            (4) Planned forms of current control shall include all tests and evaluation which require prior preparation of students in the main sections of the taught material and shall be conducted in regular classes. Planned current control shall be fulfilled through a colloquium and / or certification of protocols of conducted exercises, accumulated attestations (points) from a developed project, conducted clinical or other practical activities.

           (5) Planned current control in specific disciplines for a certain specialty shall be held on schedule (time of its conduct in training weeks in the semester and date of its working off), proposed by the head of the Department (ESS), conducting the discipline and approved by the Dean / Director of the College / branch at the beginning of each semester.
         (7) The schedule of planned current control shall comply with the training time of students. The fulfillment of more than three planned forms of current control within one calendar week shall not be allowed. Planned forms of current control – colloquia – for each discipline cannot exceed two per a semester. Current control shall not be conducted two weeks before the exam session, except for working off colloquia and working off in order to cover the required norm of clinical or practical work.
        (8) Students who have missed a scheduled sitting for planned current control on the announced by the departments (ESS) dates – regular and working off shall pay the approved by the Academic Council fee for the subsequent sitting for them.
        (9) The final grade in disciplines which according to the study plan and programme shall be evaluated only by current control shall be formed at the end of the semester.

Conducting Semester Examination Sessions

Art. 74. (1) Semester exam sessions at DMI shall be organized and conducted in accordance with the Higher Education Act. One resit examination session shall be held after each regular session and one liquidation exam session shall be held before the beginning of the next academic year for full-time students. Semester examination sessions shall be:
1.    Winter – regular and resit;
2.    Summer – regular and resit;
3.    September – liquidation.
      (6) Semester examinations shall be conducted in student groups by examination commissions and according to a schedule approved in advance by the Dean / Director. The schedule shall be prepared by the course leader, in cooperation with representatives of students, in compliance with the announced by the departments (ESS) proposals for exam dates. The schedules of the examination sessions shall be summarized by the Dean’s Offices of the respective faculty / student affairs office of the College (branch) and approved by the head of the basic unit and announced not later than three weeks before the beginning of the examination session – for full- time training and not later than the end of the attendance courses – for part-time training.
Art. 75. (1) Students without a certified of attendance semester shall not be allowed to sit for semester examinations during this semester.
      (2) Students without a successfully passed examination in a propaedeutic discipline or preclinical special discipline shall not be allowed to sit for an examination in an upgradeable clinical discipline from the study plan. At the proposal of the Dean / Director of the College these disciplines shall be approved in advance by the Faculty Council / College Council and shall be announced to the students by the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College in the proper order.
      (3) Full-time students shall be entitled to three sittings for a semester examination on a discipline, respectively during the regular, resit and liquidation sessions.
      (4) Students shall be allowed to sit for resit and liquidation sessions with an unlimited number of untaken examinations.
      (5) Students shall be allowed to sit for an examination only with prior issued exam protocols at the Dean’s Offices/ student affairs office of the College (branch) and upon submitting a student’s book. In case of a permitted extraordinary out-group or out-session sitting for an exam, the Dean’s Offices/ student affairs offices shall be required to prepare an individual examination protocol for the respective student. The Departments (ESS) shall conduct an examination only upon a protocol with an indicated date on it.
Art. 76. (1) In the framework of one examination session students shall be allowed only one sitting for an exam in a specific discipline.
      (2) A student who has failed to sit for an exam on the determined examination date shall not be allowed to sit for the exam on another date within the framework of the respective session, except in cases provided for in these Regulations and in their proper order.
Art. 82. (1) Out – group or  out – session sitting for an examination shall be admitted on the basis of a submitted by the student request, accompanied by documentary evidence of the need for an extraordinary sitting for an examination – up to two weeks before the beginning of the regular or the respective retake examination session. The request shall be submitted to the head of the basic unit (Dean / Director) through “Records” Sector of the Administrative Department. The request shall be considered and resolved by the head of the basic unit (Dean / Director) before the date specified in the examination schedule of the student’s group. Requests submitted after this date shall not be considered, except for sudden valid reasons whereupon the students shall be required to notify the Dean’s Office / student affairs office at the College (branch) by their relatives or by phone (or email).
      (2) In exceptional cases, students can sit for extraordinary exams for the respective semester prior to the beginning of the regular examination session, provided this is necessary for extremely valid reasons. The admission to extraordinary examinations out of the session shall be allowed upon a permission of the Dean of the Faculty / Director of the College (branch) after taking into consideration the opinion of the lecturer conducting the discipline, based on a personally submitted request by the student and each case shall be considered independently. In the request the student shall enclose evidence (documents) for the reason that makes the sitting for the exam out of the regular dates necessary.
      (3) Sitting for extraordinary exams out of the scheduled session or on а date which is not included in the exam schedule of the relevant discipline shall be permitted only upon a certified of attendance semester and after paying a fee, determined by the Academic Council.
      (4) Upon a resolution of the Academic Council, subject to certain terms and conditions, some categories of students (who have valid reasons to miss an opportunity for sitting for examinations in the scheduled examination sessions) can be exempted from paying a fee for an extraordinary sitting for an exam for prior periods of training.
      (7)  Additional sitting for an exam for a change (increase) of the grade of a successfully passed exam shall be permitted by the head of the basic unit (Dean, Director) only within the framework of the respective resit or liquidation session for the academic year but not more than three times throughout the whole period of study. The grade obtained after the additional sitting for the exam shall be final.


Art. 90. (1) Enrollment of students for transition to the next semester of study shall be carried out in a specified period of time according to a pre-approved by the Dean / Director of the College (branch) schedule and after paying the statutory defined tuition fee.

1.    for students with all successfully passed examinations – up to two weeks from the beginning of the semester;
2.    for students with examinations in an extended or liquidation session – up to two weeks after the end of the respective session.
      (2) After this period, student’s status shall be resolved by the Rector, at the proposal of the Dean / Director of the College (branch) in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Institute and these Regulations, without the obligatory presence of the student.
      (3) Students who have not met the terms of enrollment shall interrupt their training in an administrative way, with the right to enroll for the respective semester in the next academic year.

Certification of Attendance of Academic Disciplines and Semesters

Art. 93. Courses of study shall be compulsory for students. The attendance of classes (exercises, training practices, traineeship) shall be recorded in the control file of students.
Art. 94. Semester certification of attendance of the specific disciplines shall reflect the student’s regular attendance of classes.
Art. 95. (1) The student shall be entitled to be absent from classes for valid reasons (health, personal, family problems) but not more than one-third of the horarium in the study plan of the respective semester, except in cases under para 5.
      (2) An excuse for absences and permission for working off of classes missed for valid reasons shall be granted by the Dean / Director upon a submitted request to the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College (branch), not later than one week after the absences incurred. The request shall be accompanied by a document, certifying the valid reasons for the absence. Provided the document is issued on the territory of another country, it shall be translated and legalized under the terms of translations, certification and legalization before being submitted to the Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College. Lecturers cannot accept and process documents for the excuse of missed classes directly.
      (3) The admission of more than one third of the horarium in the study plan excused absences from exercises in a particular discipline, as well as the presence of more than two not worked off excused absences in a particular discipline – shall be considered grounds for refusal of certification of attendance of the semester. In these cases student status shall be resolved by the Rector, at the proposal of the Dean / Director of the College (branch).
Art. 96. (1) Without a valid reason, the student shall be entitled to three absences from exercises in an academic discipline (training practice), whereupon the student shall be required to work off two of them for the certification of attendance of the semester, according to a schedule, approved by the Department (ESS). When the training includes only a course of lectures – the student shall be entitled to be absent without valid reasons up to three times from one academic discipline per semester.
      (2) The admission of more than three absences without valid reasons in a particular discipline per semester, as well as the presence of more than one unexcused, not worked off  absence from exercises in a particular discipline (training practice) – shall be considered grounds for refusal of certification of attendance of the semester. In these cases the student’s status shall be resolved by the Rector, at the proposal of the Dean / Director of the College (branch) of the respective basic unit.
      Art. 97. (1) (Amended and suppl. – 07.07.2015) Without attending the scheduled current control /colloquium/ in the study programme, the student cannot obtain certification of attendance of the respective discipline at the end of the semester and cannot sit for an exam in it.
         (2) (Repealed – 07.07.2015)   
Art. 98. (1) Working off of missed exercises, training practice or required minimum of practical  work on a required norm on the study programme  shall be conducted, according to a schedule approved by the Head of Department (ESS).
      (2) Within two weeks after the beginning of the semester each department (ESS) shall announce the schedule for regular working off of missed classes and conducting consultations on the notice board of the department (ESS) and in the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College (branch).
      (3) Absences incurred by students shall be worked off within two weeks from the last date of absence, unless the Head of the Department (ESS) decides otherwise.
      (4) Working off of missed exercises, training practice or unfulfilled required minimum of practical work on the study programme, out of the schedule for regular working off, announced by the Department (ESS), shall be carried out overtime under payment of an additional fee, determined by the Academic Council.
Art. 101. (1)(Amended and suppl. – 18.04.2016) Certification of attendance of the respective disciplines at the end of the semester shall be certified in the student’s book – by the signature of the assistant professor / lecturer and the leader of the lecture course in the respective discipline. Certification of attendance of certain disciplines in the student’s books of students at the Affiliates of DMI, in exceptional circumstances, may be certified by the signature of the Director of the Affiliate, after having received written confirmation by the leader of the lecture course in the respective discipline.

Art. 102. (1) Certification of attendance of the whole semester shall be fulfilled in the Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College (branch) after obtaining the signatures of the assistants and lecturers in the respective disciplines during the last week of the semester for full-time students and after completing the lecture and practical course of education during the attendance courses of study for part-time students and modular form of education. The certification of attendance of the semester shall be recorded in the main registration book, the student’s book and the electronic file of each student.

      (2) The semester shall not be certified upon absence of certification of attendance of a compulsory discipline in the study plan, except in cases under para 3.
      (3) Administrative certification of attendance of the semester in the absence of certification of attendance of one discipline shall be allowed – at the discretion of the Dean / Director of the College (branch) only once throughout the entire course of study. The student shall fulfill all necessary obligations in this discipline during the next academic year (winter or summer semester, depending on the study plan) and then he/she shall be allowed to sit for an examination in it. The student shall pay a fee, regulated by the Academic Council, for the extraordinary working off of missed exercises (training practice) and sitting for the exam.

Passing to a Higher Course

Art. 104.  (2) Passing and enrollment in a higher training course shall be permitted with not more than two untaken exams from the study plan of the respective course which shall be passed successfully by the end of the academic year in which the student is enrolled. Students who fail to pass successfully exams from the previous year shall interrupt their study due to “poor performance”.
      (3) Students who have more than two untaken exams for the respective course after the liquidation session shall interrupt their study due to “poor performance”.

Art. 105. (1) Sitting for untaken exams from the previous year shall be conducted within the scheduled resit and liquidation exam sessions, upon scheduled exam dates in the respective discipline and upon the permission of the Dean / Director of the College (branch) and obtaining an individual protocol and after paying a fee, approved by the Academic Council..
Art. 106. The launch of the Pre-graduation Traineeship shall not be allowed without passing all the semester exams of the study plan of the previous years.

Interruption of Studies

Art.109. (1) Interruption of studies shall be allowed up to twice throughout the entire period of education– with a total duration not exceeding two academic years.
      (2) Interruption of studies shall be allowed by the Rector after consulting the Dean / Director of the College (branch) upon a written request of the student, enclosing the documents certifying the existence of grounds for the interruption in the following cases:
1.    documented serious illness;
2.    pregnancy, childbirth and upbringing of a child up to two years of age;
3.    presence of other important (personal, family) reasons that prevent the fulfillment of the educational responsibilities;
       (3) Administrative interruption of studies shall be allowed upon an order of the Rector, at the proposal of the Dean / Director of the College (branch) in case of:
1.    uncertified of attendance semester – a report of the lecturer who has refused to certify the respective discipline shall be enclosed;
2.    poor performance (a certain number of untaken exams, provided for in these Regulations) – after submission of information of the failed exams, provided by the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College;
3.    not being enrolled within two weeks after the beginning of the semester (pre-graduation traineeship) or within the period determined upon an order of the Rector – after submitting information by the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College.
Art. 110. (1) In case of interruption of studies the student shall retain his/her student rights, with the exception of the right to attend courses of study.
      (2)  The student who has interrupted his/her studies shall be entitled to sit for the untaken exams from the previous periods of study under the terms of the Rules of Procedure of DMI and these Regulations, after paying a determined by the Academic Council fee for the extraordinary sitting for examinations.
Art. 112. (1) Students who have interrupted their studies due to an “uncertified of attendance semester” can enroll again in the uncertified semester during the following academic year, after paying the determined tuition fees, respectively:
1.    with one uncertified of attendance academic discipline – half of the semester fee for the semester with the uncertified of attendance discipline;
2.    with two or more uncertified of attendance academic disciplines – a full tuition fee for the respective semester.
      (2) Students who have interrupted their studies due to an “uncertified of attendance semester” can sit for the untaken exams from the previous completed periods of study – certified of attendance semesters.
      (3) Students who have enrolled again in an uncertified of attendance semester shall be required to accomplish the study programme completely and all the obligations related to the disciplines which they have failed to obtain certification of attendance.
      (4) Upon the re-enrollment of a semester all the successfully passed colloquia and certifications of attendance in the disciplines with untaken examinations, as well as all the successfully passed exams shall be recognized.
 Art. 113. (1) The student shall submit a written request for clarification of his/her student status not later than the expiration of the defined enrollment period for the respective semester.
      (2) In order to continue his/her education the student shall pay the normatively determined tuition fee within one week from the date of the response to the request.
      (3) Provided the student does not fulfill his/her obligation under para1 – the provisions of the Rules of Procedures of the Institute and these Regulations shall be applied
Art. 114. After the expiration of the period of interruption the student shall continue his/her studies in accordance with the current study plan at the time of the re-establishment and shall be obliged to fulfill all obligations thereunder.​

 Removal and Suspension

 Art. 115. The student shall be removed from DMI upon:
1.    successful completion of the course of education;
2.    leaving the Institute;
3.    transfer to another higher education institution.
 Art. 116. (1) The student shall be suspended from the Institute for a specified period of time under an order of the Rector, upon a report from the Dean / Director of the College (branch) in the following cases:
  1.    providing false information whereupon he/she has been admitted to the higher school or forgery of documents, certifying his/her student status – for a period of 6 years;
  2.    systematic neglect of his/her duties related to the study plan or the Regulations of  DMI:
a.    inability to move on to a higher course of education, according to the regulated requirements in the Regulations and depleted right to interruption under Art. 109, para 3 – for a period of 1 to 3 years;
b.    failure to comply with the specified in the Regulations periods of enrollment (non-payment of the tuition fee within the determined period of time) and depleted right to interruption under Art. 109, para 3 – for a term of 1 to 3 years;
c.    non-continuation of education in accordance with the study plan after the expiration of  the period, provided for in Art. 113, para 2 – for a term of 1 to 3 years;
d.    occurrence of any act or conduct contrary to the Regulations and the civil principles and ethics in DMI and the country (provided for in Art. 196, para 1) – for a term of 1 to 3 years;
e. other systemic violations of the Regulations of DMI.
3.    conviction to imprisonment for intentionally committed criminal offense.
(2) The period of removal shall be determined individually in each case by the Rector – upon an order of removal.
 Art. 117. No later than two weeks before the expiration of the period of suspension the student shall submit a written request for reinstatement of his/her student rights and continuation of his/her education. In case of failure to submit the request within the above-mentioned period, the student shall be deemed to have left the Institute on his/her own will and shall be removed from DMI.
Art. 118. The right of reinstatement of student rights can be applied only once upon a written request to the Rector through the Dean / Director, enclosing documents certifying the existence of grounds for reinstatement and after paying an administrative fee, determined by the Academic Council


Art. 150. (1) In accordance with the Unified State Requirements the education in the specialty “Medicine” shall be accomplished through passing state examinations in: Internal Medicine; Pediatrics; Hygiene, Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Social Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Surgical Diseases.
           (2) The accomplishment of a Pre-graduation Traineeship in General Medicine shall be compulsory for graduation of students in the specialty “Medicine”. A colloquy with students shall be conducted on the last day of the traineeship in General Medicine.

Art. 176. Students in the specialty “Medicine” who have fulfilled their obligations under the study plan and passed successfully the state examinations shall receive a diploma, under the established pattern, of higher education in the specialty “Medicine” of the educational-qualification degree “Master”, with professional qualification “Master – Doctor in Medicine”.

Awards and Sanction

Art. 195. (1) Each student at the Institute can be stimulated with an award for the achievement of high success in the education and research activities, worthy acts of citizenship, contribution to the development of health sciences and special merit to the development and promotion of the reputation and prestige of the Institute.

       (2) awards under para 1 shall be determined and awarded under the order and manner established by a resolution of the Academic Council, on the recommendation of the Rector or the head of the basic unit – the Dean / Director of the College (branch).
Art.196. (1) Each student of DMI who violates the statutory regulations and / or the internal regulations of the Institute, or with his/her behavior undermines the prestige and reputation of the Institute, at the proposal of the Dean / Director of the College / branch and depending on the severity of the offense shall be subject to the following sanctions by the Rector:
1. reprimand;
2. warning of removal from DMI;
3. suspension from DMI for a specified period.
      (2) The sanctions under the preceding paragraph shall be imposed by the Rector upon a written order, at the proposal of the Dean / Director, after having received a written explanation and having clarified the case, taking into consideration all facts. The order shall be submitted to the student by the organizer of educational affairs in the respective Dean’s Office / student affairs office of the College (branch) and in case of impossibility of delivery it shall be sent to the declared correspondence address at enrollment by a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
Art. 197. (1) In case of proven cheating at current control, semester or state examination or plagiarism in the development of a course or diploma thesis, the student shall obtain a poor grade.
      (2) In case of proven property damage to the training facilities, students shall be sanctioned for the first offense with a warning of removal and for the second offense with suspension for a period of time, specified by the Rector.
      (3) In all cases of proven property damage under the preceding paragraph the student shall remove the damage at his/her own expense, including, if necessary, the purchase of a new identical piece of property or paying the market price of the damaged one.