Entry Requirements & Tuition Fees
What are the requirements and fees for Dnipro Medical Institute
The university loves to hear from students who are determined to succeed and by contributing towards the university's vibrant campus and contribute towards healthcare of their communities.
The university does not discriminate. Every application is looked at individually, and assessed according to your strengths.
We want to help you pursue a degree in medicine or dental medicine. Send us an application and we'll inform you on the university's decision rapidly, so you can begin planning your exciting journey to Ukraine.

Tuition Fees for the Full-Time International English Programs of Medicine or Dental Medicine
- Initial year of entry: One payment of $5500 per academic year
- Medicine from Year 2-6: One payment of $4000 per academic year
- Dentistry from Year 2-5: One payment of $4000 per academic year
Note that graduate entry course fees differ from others!
Bursaries and scholarships may be available after year 1, for international students who perform exceptionally, at the discretion of the university.
What Does the Tuition Fee Cover?
Dnipro Medical Institute operates a fair fee policy which offers a guarantee about the costs of studying on your course. Please find out what’s included in your tuition fee. Lectures, seminars and tutorials – You will tend to have more contact time built into the course with some emphasis on independent study).
When you start your course, you will have to keep track of your progress throughout the course and get help to solve any problems you encounter.
Hospital learning is a major component to pass your course as an international medicine student or it will make up part of your assessments. Although you will still need to pay for your own food, drink and souvenirs. International students are usually obliged to have health insurance, so please have this on you at all times whether you’re learning at the university, laboratories or hospital.
We have a well-stocked library of International literature and, as part of your tuition fees, you will be able to access the library whenever it is open and also use our electronic libraries to access papers and journals. We hold copies of the books on the recommended reading lists for each course for you to borrow and some of the reading material will also be available for you to read online.
As an International medical student, you will have access to and training on the most up to date medical machinery and medical techniques. You will be trained by world-class talented medical professors, consultants and doctors who speak fluent English. Most of our staff have learned or practiced in English speaking countries, so you can gain a wide perspective of opinions and insight.
Electives or Internships can be organized in any of the local clinics or main Hospital. Usually most Ukrainian patients are multilingual and if they don’t speak English then your tutor will translate for you so you can maximize your clinical experience.
We have numerous cadavers for you to learn anatomy and practice your dissecting techniques on. There are always spare cadavers for you to learn with during your free time. Anatomy laboratories are open for independent learning throughout the week when the university is open.
Dnipro Medical Institute has established itself as a leading research university in the fields of medicine and dentistry. We have had lots of coverage and won international awards for our breakthrough research. International students are always encouraged to get involved in our numerous research studies taking place on campus during their stay and to get their names published. We have gathered much funding for research, so we are always excited when international students want to be involved.
As a student you will be able to access our technology facilities on campus to help with your studies. International students are also offered a ‘laptop lending’ services so that you can borrow a laptop to use for 48 hours.
Coming to new country and university is about more than just studying for a medical degree and can take some getting used to. There are lots of student support services and careers counselling to help you make the most of your time in Dnipro, Ukraine.
Behind the scenes we do lots of other stuff for you like registering you on your course, providing you with hand outs, organizing Electives or Internships, and arranging for you to sit your exams. We don’t charge you for exam resits unless you have failed a module entirely and then there will be additional fees charged. We also include the costs of attending your graduation ceremony, including photographs.